
Free access content goal (0.3.X):

  • Finished Golden Fortress.
  • Finished BoH.
  • Academy's hub area + Player home.

Most of those are further along than I thought already. I might extend the list above soon.

Added & Fixed in 0.3.1:

  • Finished the entrance to the Sanctuary, added a few rooms.
  • Added Angel boss fight and Angel Duo boss fight in their respective arena among the new added rooms. (The NG/Final time screen is now located after both of those fights. Both fights are optional (Open the portal and escape. This can be done while ignoring the boss.) 

  • Fixed fireball projectile code mistake and collision bug. They should get stuck into walls less often.
  • Fixed some enemy scripts causing misaligned enemy sprites/collisions.
  • Fixed a bug on the Demon Wall side bosses that made them unkillable and effectively softlocked the player until they died and reloaded the room.

Misc: I will leave the demo version 0.2.5 available but it won't be updated anymore. 


LITD-0.3.1.zip 340 MB
Aug 01, 2023

Get Left In The Dark

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